Fleur de Old Lady

by AmyDolores

I fancy myself to be quite an old lady at heart. I love soft robes. I like getting up early (by choice – not for work – lets be clear on that). I like gossiping like some little old hen. I like my yellow shower cap that, according to the boyfriend, “looks like a baby bonnet.” And I love…


For serious guys, I love gardens. I could walk around gardens for hours and be completely content. I mean – add some food (preferably chocolate or cheese… oh and wine) and I’ve got my own little paradise.

I heard gardens take a lot of patience to maintain which blows because I’m kind of a – I’ll be really patient and consistent for a week then forget  to water the plant – kind of girl.  So I simply seek out gardens wherever I travel and make my loved ones suffer in boredom while I frolic through flowers and basically just love my life.

With the exception of 80’s prom carnations and cliched red roses (woof) – all flowers are my favorite.

In particular, I do love peonies. They are just so friggin JUICY. So big and vibrant and lovely to look at – close up and from afar. They’re absolutely stunning in every stage of their bloom.


Flowers. That’s where it’s at!